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  • Getting to Broad-Scale AI in the Enterprise

    Artificial intelligence is one of the most ubiquitous tech terms in usage today – and some would argue, overused. But don’t be turned off by the hype. AI is posed to have very real and significant benefits in the enterprise.
  • Enabling a Future-Proof Supply Chain

    Achieving flexibility and resilience is proving a tall order, thanks to the current state of many consumer goods supply chains. Read on and discover how CGs can strengthen their supply chain foundation in an era of constant change in this latest roadmap report.
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  • Empowering CGs to Focus on Supply Chain Opportunities

    CGT tapped into the expertise of Lori Harner, senior director of product marketing for E2open, to get her perspective on how CGs can become more empowered to focus on the supply chain opportunities moving forward.
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  • Modern Revenue Growth Management in the Cloud

    The majority of TPM/O solutions used by CGs today are outdated, unsuitable and unsustainable in the changing landscape. Here's what they can do about it.
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  • How to Scale Revenue Growth Management Solutions Across the Enterprise

    Increasingly, consumer goods companies (CGs) are grappling with a litany of challenges: changing consumer demands, pressure to get the right products on retailers’ shelves at the right time, and more. Here is a blueprint CGs can follow to successfully deploy and leverage RGM to tackle these roadblocks to growth.
  • Adding Predictive Elements to the Pillars of Revenue Growth Management

    CGT caught up with Wise Athena CEO Alfonso Vazquez, to discuss the essential elements of a revenue growth management toolbox.
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  • How to Unlock Value From Direct-To-Consumer Platforms

    While many consumer goods companies feel an added pressure to pivot to direct-to-consumer, they must first take a step back and treat it as a new business model. CGT explores why in this Q&A.
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  • Getting Direct-To-Consumer Right

    While many traditional CG companies are feeling tremendous me-too pressure to field a DTC offering, success comes to those that approach it with a well-conceived strategy that serves the consumer and business alike. Read on to uncover the steps CGs can take to reap the benefits of getting DTC right.
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